Independent and Objective Wealth Management
Trusted Financial Advice Tailored to Your Bests Interests
Start making smart choices that will help you reach your financial goals and dreams.
At Gantt Financial Advisors, we understand that you face a bewildering array of personal investment and financial planning decisions in a complex financial world. We simplify the complex and help prepare you for a financially independent future.
We take our responsibility to you seriously and strive to have the heart of a teacher and a servant attitude as we work to align your money with your dreams. It is a blessing and a privilege to walk alongside our clients on their life’s journey. Developing a relationship of trust and service so we can help you find peace of mind and financial freedom is why our firm exists.
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Latest Blog Posts

How to Reduce Taxes on Required Minimum Distributions (and do good)
Anyone who owns an IRA and is past age 70 ½ knows you have to make minimum withdrawals, known as RMDs (Required Minimum Distributions) each year, whether you want to or not. If you’re in a situation in which you don’t need the distribution for income, it doesn’t matter; you still have to take the […]

Important Things to Know about Social Security Benefits in 2018
There are some important changes in Social Security for 2018 that may have an impact on your financial plans. Social Security remains an integral part of retirement planning, and for many Americans, represents a substantial portion of their retirement income. Today, we will take a look at some of the changes for 2018. Increase in […]

Money Moves Teachers Should Consider Before Retirement
As an educator, you have a unique set of financial considerations that don’t affect other professionals. Teachers may be eligible for a state-sponsored pension plan. These pension programs vary by state and eligibility is usually contingent on years of service, but they are specifically created to help teachers with retirement planning. And even if you […]
Merry Christmas
It’s Christmas Time! What a wonderful time of the year. I remember when I was growing up it seemed like Christmas would never get here. Now, it seems to come in ever increasing frequency. We all tend to get caught up in pursuing the perfect Christmas present for our friends and loved ones. We […]

Are All Advisors the Same?
It seems like these days nearly everybody in the financial world claims to be an “advisor.” But can there a difference from one advisor to the next? You betcha, and you need to be aware of the differences and how you may be. Financial advisors are held to one of two main standards: fiduciary standard […]